The Scary List

When Austin suggested we make “life lists”, my reaction was, “Absolutely not”. Make a list of my life goals? Me? The most idle and directionless person currently in existence? Ha. Why on earth would I want a written documentation of my future failures? I try not to think of my goals, it’s easier to think myself successful that way. Pessimist? Perhaps.

But here I am now (thanks friends), making a list that hopefully will not haunt me for the rest of my days. Maybe it’ll be the motivation I need. You know, crossing stuff off to-do lists is always strangely satisfying. Perhaps I will print this out, so I can physically scratch these suckers off when I reach them.

As you can see, I’m a simple girl, and most of my goals center on food and on building a home for myself and future family.

Pay attention to my first goal, as it is the one that will allow me to achieve a lot of the things that make up the rest of the list.

Fall ass backwards in to large amounts of money

Go to culinary school just for fun

Own my own business/be my own boss

Figure out what that business will be...

Chronicle the romance and childhood of my parents and their siblings

Produce a few mini me’s

Have a home with a yard, a workshop and a hammock

Create a vegetable garden I can live off of

Visit every continent/ Take a food tour of every continent

Have an enormous kitchen where my friends and family can all help prepare meals

Sail around the Pacific

Go to Guam where I was born (perhaps on a sailboat?)

Live greener

See more of the U.S

Publish something I’ve written

Learn to cook kelaguen and its accompaniments

Sell some of my own art

Be more disciplined in every area

Publish a cookbook

Make a record of my grandparents’ stories about their lives

Meet Bruce Springsteen

Take more trips on a whim

Lie in a field of cilantro on a sunny day

Go skydiving

Learn to sew from my Grandma

Visit New Jersey and Bruce’s hood

Learn to play the piano

Be at least trilingual

Have enough money

Coach a girls’ softball team

Meditate everyday

Find a working exercise program

Swim with dolphins

Return to Maryland and visit the town where I grew up

See a hockey game in Canada

Teach a class about something I really love

Make a documentary about a trip through Latin America

Go snowmobiling

Mentor someone

Make a grand gesture to repay Frank and Jacqueline for all the help they’ve given me

Send my parents on a honeymoon

Take a road trip with my brothers

Play with a monkey

Write a children's book

1 Response on "The Scary List"

  1. Austin says:

    I think you should go to culinary school because you'd love it and be good at it.

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