If this doesn't at least make you smile...
Then you suck. In the past, I've judged strange people like this guy for weirdo dancing alone. But that was before I met Jon O. Jon O likes to dance. A lot. Before a show, Jon O talks about the music based on how great it's going to be to dance to. When he gets to the show, he stretches to get warmed up before he begins contorting and flailing his body in the glorious way that he does. Sometimes he's the only one dancing, alone there at the front of the crowd with a 5x5 foot space cleared for him, shakin his shit. This does not bother Jon O at all. Dancing seems to be something that brings him genuine happiness, and it is for this reason that I no longer frown at crazy dancers. Instead I've come to admire their free-spirited nature.
Now check this other fool out. Look how the happiness spreads! This is someone's video from Sasquatch Music Festival. Invest a minute in this and you will be rewarded. I promise.
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